Graceful Church Logos

Looking for a church logo to attract more members? Use our free logo generator to choose from professionally created designs made especially for churches, church builders, church supply stores, Christian bookstore logo, nonprofit organizations, as well as charity foundation logos. Explore our free logo design library by searching for stunning selections, such as an image of a Christian church emerging from the Bible, or a Christian Fish (ichthus) symbol painted with two simple, yet elegant brush strokes! Get started with a free church logo today!

Frequently Asked Questions about Church

How do you create a free church logo using a logo maker?

Using a logo maker like LogoDesign.Net, you can create a convincing and aesthetically-pleasing free church logo design in minutes. Start by browsing through our design database and look for logo images that you want to use in your design.

When you have selected a church logo template that you think represents your unique approach to faith in a beautiful way, you can start customizing it. The customization process allows you to edit the design and its details so you can make it uniquely yours.

When you are done, click on ‘Download’ and that’s it - your church logo is ready in minutes. No hidden charges, no extra costs, and just a free design created by professionals.

Where can I find church logos to inspire my design process?

There are tons of design databases on the Internet that’ll inspire you in your search for great church logo inspirations. These include Dribbble, Behance, LogoDesign, and many others.

When you visit our church logo design gallery at, you’ll be amazed to see the sheer variety and quality we have for unique church logo designs. From traditional cross logos to something more abstract such as a sun logo or a dove logo in negative space to represent peace and spirituality, we have it all. What’s more, our templates are totally editable which means you can also add your personal touches to the design you choose.

And all of this is free. So go ahead, look at our gallery, and find the church logo images that inspire you the most.

How do you make a good church logo design?

What you call a good church logo design depends mostly on your unique approach to Christianity and how you want to portray it. For example, if you have an inclusive or a modern approach, a good design for you may be something abstract like a negative space cross steeple with bell logo or centered on spirituality than on religion, per se.

Similarly, for a parish that consists of mostly traditional members, conservative church symbols such as a church cross logo or church building logo may be considered more appropriate. The great thing is, our huge variety of designs caters to a wide range of faith approaches and consists of icons, symbols, and elements that fulfill different kinds of religious logo needs.

For the complete variety of church logo designs, head over to our gallery now.

Can I get custom church logo designs for free?

A custom church logo design is a one-of-a-kind look especially created on client requests who are looking for something that no one has. Therefore, a custom logo design does not come for free.

However, due to our affordable and tailored packages, we are able to give you the very best our designers have to offer at really good rates. With unique church logo concepts, you can get a one-of-a-kind look; multiple revisions; and quick delivery. Our custom church logo packages offer you a one-stop shop branding solutions.

To find out more details about our payment packages, request a custom quote now.

How can I make a modern church cross logo for my parish?

A modern church cross logo is something that’s very uncluttered, simple, and quite straightforward. Forget embellishments and decorations, when you are thinking about a modern cross logo for your church; you want something that’s clean and minimal.

As you search through our church logo gallery, keep your eye on designs that consist of only a single cross icon (max two) and no more. The color palette also needs to be minimal with one color and an accent color complementing it. Select a simple text font for your logo, nothing in script writing. When you choose your cross logo template, edit it to make it representative of your parish and community, and that’s it. You’re done.

Click on ‘Download’ and receive the design directly to your device.